RE: Seeking collaboration on sample code for payment apps

I created a merchant demo site which is available at and a payment app to process online payment with UI (
These prototypes use the dotnet framework and therefore cannot be easily used for tutorial (anyway I will soon share it on github).
I’m available for you Marcos to develop samples you may have in mind and might not have time to work on.

My demo features some of  the use cases Adrian listed:

-          Handles multiple payment methods:

o   Basic-card payment.

o   Web App payment (mine and tommy’s)

-          Rendering UI for payment confirmation or cancelation

-          Use of the manifest to create explicit choice

-          Management of Payment request options by the merchant

-          Feedback of the shipping options to alter the amount

-          Use of the payment response details by the payment app

-          Use of the payment response details by the merchant (for display)

-          Registration and more around the service worker control

Feel free to comment, to share and request from me if necessary.
III Pascal BAZIN<>

From: []
Sent: lundi 20 février 2017 16:51
To: Adrian Hope-Bailie <>
Cc: Ian Jacobs <>; Bazin Pascal <>; Tommy Thorsen <>; Telford-Reed, Nick <>
Subject: Re: Seeking collaboration on sample code for payment apps

Trying to get to it this week! Bit behind on Payment Request, so trying to close off whatever I can there before refocusing on the payment apps side of things.

On 21 Feb 2017, at 2:31 am, Adrian Hope-Bailie <<>> wrote:
I created a doc to get things started a while back...
Haven't had a chance to do much with it since:

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 2:23 PM, Ian Jacobs <<>> wrote:
Hi all,

I want to check in with you on the status of a plan to write up code illustrating various steps in the lifecycle
of a payment app (including a new openClientWindow method).

I am putting together the agenda of tomorrow’s payment apps task force meeting and welcome an update.

I proposal a goal of having this for WG review by our 23 March meeting. Let me know if you think we
can achieve that. Thanks!


> On Feb 14, 2017, at 11:29 AM, Ian Jacobs <<>> wrote:
> Hi Marcos, Pascal, and Tommy,
> The other day Marcos put together [1] a good list of topics where code would be
> useful to elucidate how payment apps will work. He asked for volunteers.
> Today, Pascal Bazin (Gemalto) volunteered to help. I also think that Tommy’s
> contributions would be valuable here and wanted to see whether the three of you
> would like to work together on this.
> This would be an extension of the existing action for Marcos and Tommy to
> define a new openClientWindow method.
> Marcos has proposed to use his code as a starting point [2].
> Meanwhile, note that the task force met today and had consensus on a few issues
> (99, 83+96). I will update the issues list to reflect that consensus.
> Ian
> [1]

> [2]

> [3]

> --
> Ian Jacobs <<>>

> Tel: +1 718 260 9447<tel:%2B1%20718%20260%209447>

Ian Jacobs <<>>

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