"Signed JSON". Was: [Agenda] Tokenization task force call on 12 December

On 2017-12-14 21:15, Matt Saxon wrote:
> So you are happy with the concepts, 
> but you’d like a different encoding method for the signatures?

If concepts mean "Who is signing What and Why?" that's a different issue than how you express "Signed JSON". The latter is a generic problem which (IMO) still lacks an [acceptable] solution:

BTW, feel free supporting this open request (or create one of your own), on the JOSE list.  It is probably "now or never".

F.Y.I. There is at this very moment a new (yet unpublished), proposal in the workings combining an almost unmodified JWS with ES6+ JSON serialization (JSON.parse & JSON.stringify).  Since ES6+ is available in some of the most wide-spread software packages there are including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Node.js there is no need to start from zero.

Here is a little "teaser" from this Internet-Draft, where "iss", "exp", and "http://example.com/is_root" represent signed application data:

     "signature": {
       "alg": "ES256",
       "jwk": {
         "kty": "EC",
         "crv": "P-256",
         "x": "_gow8fcS3Dx9z6j57U5q8tunnRBdrgLU9A7CZTYCnqU",
         "y": "bdfJGraBVL5aPj38TG4tHwxpU2VKwG1XBp0wQfCLOFQ"
       "value": "aRx2MQyCGVOZGViAC_7bEDUp8_CGO1kU1l7Lvp1FHx4qBiPkGs9Z7TKGK774XLTGwaCfUtd1VrscabQhmArCxA"

> What the view in this if we could/should support multiple approaches?

I hope that you as well as the rest of the world do not have to support different technical approaches for solving the same conceptual problem(s).


> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 12 Dec 2017, at 06:23, Anders Rundgren <anders.rundgren.net@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 2017-12-11 22:07, Matt Saxon wrote:
>>> Anders,
>>> I understand your point and it will be addressed when we get further into the proposal.
>>> At the moment, we are trying to get agreement to the principles, not the detailed encoding format.
>>> As you suggest we will need to address the encoding of signed data, but I don’t believe this interferes with the principles.
>> Right.  However, Base64Url-ecoding signed JSON data violently interferes with my "esthetics" :-)
>> I'm not [at all] alone thinking that.
>> JSON-LD Signatures by Manu Sporny and the credentials folks:
>> https://w3c-dvcg.github.io/ld-signatures/
>> JCS (JSON Cleartext Signature) by yours truly, here presented in an on-line test/demo setup:
>> https://mobilepki.org/jcs/home
>> These schemes are reusing parts of the JOSE stack but are actually quite different.
>> Shameless plug: JCS builds on JWK + JWA + ES6 + "New Stuff".  JCS only needs JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify() for processing.  In addition, JCS permits signatures to be expressed as JavaScript objects.
>> Regards,
>> Anders
>>> Regards,
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 11 Dec 2017, at 18:51, Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org> wrote:
>>>> com

Received on Friday, 15 December 2017 06:41:02 UTC