Re: Call for Consensus to Publish Payment Method Manifest as a First Public Working Draft - RESPONSE REQUESTED

Mastercard supports the consensus of the Web Payments Working Group(Option 5).

Manash Bhattacharjee
Director Products
Digital Payments

114 5th Avenue | New York, NY
Mobile +1 914 325 9792

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Jacobs <>
Date: Monday, November 27, 2017 at 12:20 PM
To: Payments WG <>
Subject: Call for Consensus to Publish Payment Method Manifest as a First  Public Working Draft - RESPONSE REQUESTED
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Monday, November 27, 2017 at 12:20 PM

    Dear Web Payments Working Group Participants,

    At the TPAC face-to-face meeting there we discussed [1] issuing a
    Call for Consensus (CfC) to publish Payment Method Manifest as a
    First Public Working Draft.

    This is a Call for Consensus to publish:

     Payment Method Manifest


    We would like to thank the editors for preparing this document. Note: we will adjust the publication
    date; 22 December is just a placeholder.

    PLEASE RESPOND to the proposal by 6 December 2017 (10am ET).

    For the co-Chairs,
    Ian Jacobs



    That the Web Payments Working Group request that the W3C Director approve the
    above specification as a First Public Working Draft on the Recommendation Track.

    Please indicate one of the following in your response:

     1. Support the proposal.

     2. Request some changes, but support the proposal even
         if suggested changes are not taken into account.

     3. Request some changes, and do not support the proposal
         unless the changes are taken into account.

     4. Do not support the proposal (please provide rationale).

     5. Support the consensus of the Web Payments Working Group.

     6. Abstain.

    We invite you to include rationale in your response.

    If there is strong consensus by 6 December 2017 (10am ET) for the proposal, it will carry.


    * Publication as a First Public Working Draft does NOT indicate that a document
      is complete or represents Working Group consensus.

    * In case of a decision to publish, the Chairs will request approval from the W3C
      Director to publish a First Public Working Draft. In this case, if you wish your LACK
      of support to publish to be conveyed to the Director and reviewed, please include
      the phrase "FORMAL OBJECTION" [2] in your response and be sure to include
      substantive arguments or rationale.

    * Silence will be taken to mean there is no Formal Objection [2].

    * The W3C Director takes Formal Objections seriously, and therefore
      they typically require significant time and effort to
      address. Therefore, please limit any Formal Objections to issues
      related to the scope of these documents rather than technical
      content where the Working Group has not yet made a decision.

    * If there are Formal Objections, the Chairs plan to contact the
      individual(s) who made them to see whether there are changes that
      would address the concern and increase consensus to publish.


    Ian Jacobs <>

    Tel: +1 718 260 9447

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Received on Monday, 4 December 2017 17:23:38 UTC