Suggestions on API change

Maybe this have been written several times already...
Using a bank card for a Web payment is inherently insecure and quickly becoming obsolete. The fastest way - as I posted to - is a payment order, especially if generated automatically. However:
1. A format for a bill is needed. My proposed "CoABoS" is in progress (not prepared, nor published). A bill could be downloaded from merchant's site, received by e-mail, or generated locally. In this case, no special "payment" API is needed; file transfer and generation (DOM-like) APIs work.
2. An API for banking (financial) software (including web sites and web apps) to pick an outstanding bill is needed. I assume that bill is handled (e.g. converted into a payment order) by banking software.
Let me tell here about specs I publish.

Received on Wednesday, 4 May 2016 15:10:01 UTC