Re: Call for reviews of HTTP API and Core Messages proposals

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 9:05 PM, Manu Sporny <>

> This is a friendly reminder to make sure you review the Core
> Messages and HTTP API proposals found here before next Thursday and send
> your thoughts back to the mailing list:

I am new to the W3C Web Payments standards community, thus I have not been
able to quite catch up on all documents and conversations to be able to
give a full review of these proposals.

However, it is clear to me that for the continued participation by members
of the blockchain community (both permissionless like Bitcoin, Ethereum,
etc.  as well as permissioned like Hyperledger, Ripple, Eris, etc.) that we
need wallets and other tools that may be accessed through means other than
browsers APIs.

The Web Payments HTTP API could:

   - Enable cloud-based blockchain wallet services and other Payment Apps
   to receive standardized payment requests via HTTP and respond via
   standardized payment response messages without the need for a browser
   intermediary. This would expand the number of applications that could
   play the role of a Payment Mediator beyond just the browser.

   - Enable automated non-interactive payment scenarios, such as
DAC/DAOs executing
   payments based on smart contract outcomes.

   - Establish a set of core messages (Core Messages spec) that could
be extended
   by the Bitcoin and other blockchain communities for Web Payments using
   cryptocurrency or in exchange for asset tokens as well as other
   e-commerce related tasks such as atomic cross-chain swaps, interledger
   payment, etc.

   - Enable merchants to limit access to web resources in a way that  requires
   a blockchain-based cryptocurrency payment via HTTP. We want to build a
   bridge between the Web and blockchains not only via the browser
   ecosystem, but also via the native app ecosystem on cell phones and
   other secure hardware devices that are capable of communicating via HTTP
   in non-browser and non-interactive payment scenarios.

I think my general message is: *The Web is not just about the browser!*

This is especially true with blockchain technologies such as Bitcoin, as
the network doesn’t need the browser to operate. People are going to want
to integrate these technologies with the Web, but not always via a browser.
There already exist many native desktop and mobile apps that want to
initiate payment and send proof of a payment via the Web, but not via a

Hope that helps explain why the HTTP API is important for Bitcoin and other

— Christopher Allen

Received on Wednesday, 4 May 2016 05:16:49 UTC