[patwg] Merged Pull Request: 12-19 Meeting Files
[patwg] Merged Pull Request: 2024-12-19 Meeting Materials
[patwg] Merged Pull Request: Add link to PAT Calendar
[patwg] Merged Pull Request: Create 12-19-agenda.md
[patwg] Merged Pull Request: Create 12-19-minutes.md
[patwg] Merged Pull Request: Create README.MD
[patwg] Pull Request: 12-19 Meeting Files
[patwg] Pull Request: Add link to PAT Calendar
[patwg] Pull Request: Create 12-19-agenda.md
[patwg] Pull Request: Create 12-19-minutes.md
[patwg] Pull Request: Create README.MD
[patwg] Pull Request: Upload slides
Fwd: [w3c/patwg] [agenda] 2024-12-19 (Issue #1)
Last message date: Monday, 30 December 2024 21:35:18 UTC