[meetings] Request for an Ad-Hoc Meeting On: Effect of Noise on Advertising Decision Making (#169)

eriktaubeneck has just created a new issue for https://github.com/patcg/meetings:

== Request for an Ad-Hoc Meeting On: Effect of Noise on Advertising Decision Making ==
## Effect of Noise on Advertising Decision Making - Planning Test Design Proposal

In the Oct 2023 meeting, we discussed #155 on an experiment to better understand the effect of DP noise on advertising decision making. I'd like to invite others to help incorporate the feedback from that session and work on a test design proposal which can be presented and discussed at the April 2024 F2F.

## Timing

Wed, March 6th at 2:30pm-3:30pm PT. ([See here](https://everytimezone.com/s/78753804) for other timezones.)*

This is currently a one-off, but if the group see's fit, I'm happy to organize another meeting before the April F2F.

*If you have a major conflict and would like to attend, please post in the comments with alternatives, and if needed I can start a poll.

## Links 

See #155 for initial issue, and minutes ([day 1](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X1mq_aK8sDlVZiMcaY-GmHt9d6bbIwWen913KGeVed4/edit#heading=h.59agjfp99eu2) and [day 2](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X1mq_aK8sDlVZiMcaY-GmHt9d6bbIwWen913KGeVed4/edit#heading=h.x7i4e6ucen1a)) from the Oct meeting.

Also see https://dp-game.vercel.app/ for the current prototype game.

Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/patcg/meetings/issues/169 using your GitHub account

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