Re: [private-measurement] Request for help on multiple TAG reviews on measurement APIs (#22)

Hey @torgo , good call-out, I apologize for the oversight. The list I linked is focused on only solutions to the "cross site attribution measurement use-case" where the system joins up events across sites and performs an aggregation / anonymization step. The Private Aggregation API is a little bit different mostly because it is more _generic_ than the other designs. It can plug-and-play in multiple different contexts. Right now there are integrations both within Protected Audiences and Shared Storage.

That being said, it shares an aggregation backend with ARA, so at least from an aggregation perspective they should be more or less compatible. A few key differences between PAA and ARA are:
- The "privacy unit" (the scope in which we limit information transfer) is slightly different in PAA because we don't have a notion of "source" / "destination" sites like we do in ARA / IPA / etc
- Any number of sites' data can impact the aggregation key, whereas in ARA / IPA / PCM every report will embed data from two sites (the source and destination site).
- The API surfaces is different in that Private Aggregation API works with a worklet-style Javascript API, vs. ARA's HTTP header approach

We have some high level documentation explaining differences [here](, but you're right it might make sense to include this in a broader "cross-site measurement" comparison doc produced by this group.

cc @alexmturner

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