Re: [meetings] Agenda Request - Discuss Steel man process and progress comparing proposals (#152)

There hasn't been progress updating the comparison doc to a steelman version, though there's a [doc ]( started for that.  But there has been some other progress since TPAC, and I can summarize where I think we are.  My understanding is that at TPAC there was alignment that the on-device/off-device decision was the biggest difference between proposals and that maybe there could be convergence between on-device proposals.  I can't speak for those proposals, but I don't think that convergence has come so far, though there has been discussion about it in the PAM ad hoc call and issues on PAM. 

The biggest ask out of these discussions -- as I understand it -- is from @csharrison about added functionality to PAM for supporting a use case that needs a very large number of ad ids to be used in creating the PAM advertiser reports.  I opened an [issue ]( PAM to try and capture my understanding of the problem and clarifying questions and an idea for how PAM might support it. 

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