Re: [private-measurement] Evaluating off-device attribution proposals at larger scales (#21)

Thank you @saxena-shobhit for filing this issue!

Wow… 100 billion is a large number!!! Thanks for inspiring us to shoot for such a Big Hairy, Audacious Goal (BHAG). 

I would be happy to discuss ideas for how we might scale IPA to these volumes on Github issues, or in our biweekly call (

We recently mentioned horizontal scaling as one of our most important “Open Questions” in our talk at “Real World Crypto” ( We would welcome any academic collaborators who are interested in this question!

I recently filed an issue with a sketch of an idea for how to address this challenge:, and I would love to hear other early sketches for alternative ideas!

I suspect scaling will be a major focus of ours in the coming months. Let’s see if we can reach these ambitious targets!

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