Re: [docs-and-reports] Scope for PATCG Privacy Principles (#36)

> @npdoty My suggested principle would be reporting ad locations, not (location+user) matches. I agree that reporting location+user is a likely privacy violation. There just needs to be a principle that advertising contexts must be reported to the advertiser.

I agree with Don that this sort of question quickly ends up intertwined with privacy issues (and not just business goals).  The problem that we've encountered in trying to formulate something like this in the past is that "context" can easily be specific to a single user.  Obviously my signed-in social media feed is unique to me, so reporting that an ad appeared in that context could be tantamount to reporting what person it was shown to.

I would be very happy if we could find a way to pull those apart from each other, so that we could believe there _was_ a real difference between the person who sees something and the context in which it's seen.  From the browser-implementer POV this has been difficult, but maybe from the principle-writer POV it will be easier.

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