Re: [patwg-charter] Add precision to scope (#50)

I am relaying a comment from a member who has raised formal objections. I do not intend to imply support or opposition to this statement, but just to make their objection on this available for discussion with the member's permission: 

> the proposed text perpetuates the privileged status of the web browser in a field where this is not justified. The web browser is a gateway to the web. Advertising is not a component of that gateway. Adopting a charter which changes this has significant implications for the established business process which we and others have commented on. Appleā€™s comment stands out as yet another attempt by a web browser vendor to perpetuate the mythical privileged status of the web browser which is the least significant of the priority of constituents. The text change is insufficient to address the FO. We remind you of the CMA's concerns in this regard[^1].


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