[meetings] Agenda Request - Resolve PATWG PRs (Your participation requested - Early Deadline for Feedback - January 23rd) (#87)

AramZS has just created a new issue for https://github.com/patcg/meetings:

== Agenda Request -  Resolve PATWG PRs (Your participation requested - Early Deadline for Feedback - January 23rd) ==
## Agenda+: Resolve PRs against Working Group charter 

We (the chairs) saw a number of objections to the Working Group charter. After reviewing these objections we have tried to synthesize them into suggested edits on behalf of the objectors (or direct replication of suggested edits where given). The goal here has been to open discussion on these suggestions in the group. These PRs do **not** represent the position of the chairs (unless otherwise stated) but are our attempt to resolve objections by opening them up to discussion within the body of the group so that we can reach consensus. 

In order to move forward on the WG charter we seek to resolve the first batch of such edits either for inclusion or against inclusion in the upcoming meeting. In order to give chairs time to respond, modify PRs according to suggestions, and answer questions before the upcoming meeting we would like participants to respond before January 23rd. Any comments or suggested changes will be incorporated in time for a call for consensus on these items in that meeting. Any suggestions past that point may or may not be included in the discussion. 

### Links

You can review all the PRs we will be attempting to close in the next meeting that are under this deadline here - https://github.com/patcg/patwg-charter/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+label%3Acomment-response 

Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/patcg/meetings/issues/87 using your GitHub account

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Received on Monday, 9 January 2023 21:29:28 UTC