Re: [patwg-charter] Establish out-of-browser function accessibility (#47)

If I were to "Steel-man" the complaint, here's how I'd interpret it:

- None of us want to wind up in a situation where the browser ONLY approves one set of helper parties who can charge exorbitantly high prices.
- None of us want to wind up in a situation where the browser vendor demands some kind of favors / preferential-treatment from the helper party in exchange for approval to operate a helper node.

But those aren't the only concerns. There are also legitimate privacy concerns:
- None of us want to wind up in a situation where *untrustworthy* or *incompetent* parties are able to operate helper nodes. This could lead to two bad-quality helper nodes colluding, and user-privacy being compromised.

So what we need is a set of *fair* and *objective* requirements on helper parties. These requirements should ideally lead to a good number of qualified parties - such that there is healthy competition that brings down prices for advertisers and publishers. But it should be a rigorous enough bar, that the browser vendors can confidently tell the people who use their products "We have confidence in these helper parties - and your privacy will be preserved."

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