Re: [patwg-charter] Establish out-of-browser function accessibility (#47)

For clarity, my intention both in the [threat model]( and in the [IPA proposal]( was to consider the use of _private computation_ (potentially enabled by a _helper party network_) to provide a computation environment which is essentially an extension of the browser, but which can do such computation over inputs from many clients.

As browser vendors have the responsibility of implementing the standards we set (and, ultimately deciding to adopt such standards), my intention (and, as I understand it, the intention of my co-authors on both documents) is that browser vendors would also be responsible for exercising judgement about what entities outside itself meet the stated requirements in these proposals (and eventual standards). As far as I know, the standards process would not make judgements about specific entities meeting the requirements of a standard, just as it would not make judgements about a specific implementation meeting a specification. (This is not to say that individual members participating in the standards process may provide such feedback about implementations meeting or not-meeting the spec, but rather that it's not, in my experience, scoped in the charter of a CG or WG.)

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