[admin] Meeting: 14-15 June 2023 -- F2F in London (#14)

seanturner has just created a new issue for https://github.com/patcg/admin:

== Meeting: 14-15 June 2023 -- F2F in London ==
The Private Advertising Technology Community Group will be meeting at [Cloudflare's London office](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Cloudflare/@51.501963,-0.118852,14z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xf872835bbffc7170!8m2!3d51.5019633!4d-0.1188522?hl=en-US&shorturl=1) in a hybrid format, we will support both in-person and remote attendees, on June 14th and 15th.  The meeting will start at [1900 AEST / 1700 Singapore / 1100 CEST / 1000 BST / 0900 UTC / 0500 EST / 0200 PST](https://everytimezone.com/?t=64866000,21c). Each day the meeting will last for 6.5 hours (with breaks).  A repo for [this meeting](https://github.com/patcg/meetings/tree/main/2023/06/14-london) has been created where the agenda, presentations, minutes, physical location, PoC, etc. will be published. The agenda is being developed now in the [meetings repo](https://github.com/patcg/meetings/issues). The [patcg meeting calendar](https://www.w3.org/groups/cg/patcg/calendar) will also be updated to reflect meeting time. Once remote details are available they will be shared both via the [patcg meeting calendar](https://www.w3.org/groups/cg/patcg/calendar) and [this meeting's repo](https://github.com/patcg/meetings/tree/main/2023/06/14-london). For those planning to attend in person, building security requires your name, affiliation, and email address; ***at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting***, please fill out this [attendance form](https://forms.gle/vpaqSURMVDTUyLAX9) or if you cannot, for whatever reason, email your information to [Sean Turner](mailto:sean@sn3rd.com?subject=[patcg]%20F2F%20Meeting%20Registration%20For%20June%202023%20London).

***NOTE*** Cloudflare has provided an exception to the NDA that is generally required to host meetings. Thanks for that!

***NOTE*** If you register for in-person attendance and later determine you cannot attend, please let the chairs know so that we can update the attendance list.

Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/patcg/admin/issues/14 using your GitHub account

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Received on Monday, 17 April 2023 01:18:00 UTC