[meetings] Agenda Request - Cross device attribution options (#115)

csharrison has just created a new issue for https://github.com/patcg/meetings:

== Agenda Request -  Cross device attribution options ==
## Agenda+: Cross device attribution options

I want to discuss the possible ways we could support cross device attribution, along with risks/benefits of various approaches. I want to touch on:

- Choices for how device graphs are used and shared (ecosystem defined, vendor defined, etc)
- Privacy / security / utility implications for various choices
- Possible auxiliary guardrails we could consider

Given that no one in our [poll](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bydwuN0_K2anOZV41xNJn1Kt0vt9WPOkf56ESnmQ5_A/edit) voted against supporting cross device (!), here I am making a baseline assumption that we want to support this. As such, I'd like to dive into _how_ we should support it.

Possible outcomes for this discussion:
- Confirming our high level support for the use-case (i.e. we should jot this down in the doc [here](https://github.com/patcg/docs-and-reports/blob/main/design-dimensions/Dimensions-with-General-Agreement.md))
- Overall group preferences for device graph management
- Group appetite for additional guard rails against abuse

## Time

60 mins. Maybe more :)

### Links

This section of the IPA explainer goes into some nice non-trivial implications of the IPA model for cross device:
There are a few issues filed against IPA that touch on this:
- https://github.com/patcg-individual-drafts/ipa/issues/42
- https://github.com/patcg-individual-drafts/ipa/issues/39

For a different model of how to do x-device (browser vendor defined device graph), see our old (archived) proposal for ARA:

Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/patcg/meetings/issues/115 using your GitHub account

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