Re: [meetings] Agenda Request - Individual Draft groups and meetings (#107)

@leeronisrael I've got to add it to the W3C calendar. I will probably call the meeting something like "PATCG Individual Drafts: Topics (adhoc meeting)" or something like that. We'll also have one for IPA called something similar and whatever other ones come along. 

I can use the details you provided in the link above about the 5/8, 6/5, 7/3, ... calls.  I assume you are okay with it being open to all? I ask because the calendar asks:

    Show joining information to:
        o Everyone, a W3C account is not required
        o Holders of a W3C account
        o People invited to the event and holders of a W3C account with Member access (default)
        o People invited to the event

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