[FYI] ODRL Best Practices and P3P

Privacy was one of the main issues of DRM in our DRM-Workshop in 2001:

P3P is one way to address it, e.g. in ODRL:

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Subject: ODRL Best Practices
Date: Wednesday 22 September 2004 22:52
From: "Susanne Guth" <Susanne.Guth@gmx.net>
To: rigo@w3c.org

Dear Rigo, dear P3P Inititative!

I would like to call your attention to the "ODRL Best Practices"
initiative (see http://www.odrl.net/Profiles/). In this initiative
 working groups are crating "Best Practice" documents that help
 understand "how to" use ODRL with related metadata standards. The
 "Best Practices" documents will be part of ODRL Version 2.

The time frame for the "Best Practices" working groups is from Oct 2004
 - end of December 2004. In the coming weeks the ODRL initiative
 creates templates for the "Best Practices" documents so that the
 resulting documents will have a consistent shape.

We will personally support all working groups in their work.

One of the "Best Practices" (or Profile) working group is concerned

        ODRL and P3P

Can you support us in this working group or recommend
researchers that might be able to give us some assistence here?


Susanne Guth

Renato Iannella


Received on Thursday, 23 September 2004 14:24:04 UTC