try out the new JRC P3P 1.1 Policy Editor

Giles and his colleagues at JRC have been hard at work on an open  
source P3P 1.1 policy editor (and API). Try it out to gain more  
insight into some of the new P3P 1.1 features before commenting on  
the P3P 1.1 spec. It is available on sourceforge at http:// .

The Editor, produced by JRC, implements all new features available in  
P3P 1.1 (of those relevant to a policy editor).

P3P 1.1 New features implemented in Policy Editor

     	* Refer to related hosts via the OUR-HOSTS extension
      	* Group related statements
	* Apply consent attributes at group level.
	* Manage groups using a color coded group manager
     	* Describe Primary Purpose of data collection.
     	* Describe the Jurisdiction of data recipients (Europe, US Safe  
Harbour etc...).
     	* See the recommended User agent strings in the editor.

Other features include:

     	* Legal analysis tool
     	* Drag and drop  policy reference file creation.
     	* Publish button produces a one-stop folder for site enabling
     	* APPEL integration
     	* XSLT based policy processing, for easy extension

Received on Wednesday, 15 February 2006 12:13:00 UTC