P3P 1.1 Schema stuff

I forgot to deal with the text node instances (e.g. <DATA
ref="#business.name">xyz holdings</DATA>)  for the policy transform. here is
an updated version with updated tests - I've included all the docs for
convenience Rigo - make sure you use this and not the earlier one.

----- Original Message -----
From: Giles Hogben <giles.hogben@jrc.it>
Date: Friday, July 15, 2005 7:26 pm
Subject: Emailing: bdsfinal.xsd, bdstransformAllinOne1.xsl,
policytransformP3PDataElements.xsl, prettyprinter.xsl,
removeduplicatesCreateCategoryType.xsl, testdataElements.xml,
testdataElements1.xml, basedataschema.xml

> Hi,
> Here are the new schema and transforms. Note that some alteration 
> to the
> spec draft will be necessary now that we have these.
> The new schema is much simpler and more elegant. It also preserves the
> semantics of the data structures using complexType names.
> I've tested validation on the test elements on an online validator 
> and it
> works - it also gives no errors for the schema now.
> Perhaps we should have another call once I've made the required 
> changes to
> the spec doc, to wrap this up.
> Regards
> Giles
> The files are:
> 1. bdsfinal.xsd - the new XSD Schema (output of 5 and 6 and 10 
> transforming9.)
> 2. policytransformP3PDataElements.xsl - the POLICY transform 
> backwards and
> forwards - note the caveat that elements contained must not already 
> havecopies in P3P1.0 and P3P1.1 formats. This and 1. are the 
> important ones for
> the spec
> **Next 2 files together are the base data SCHEMA P3P1.0 -> P3P1.1 
> new XSD
> structure transforms. You must run both in the following sequence: 
> 3.bdstransformAllinOne1.xsl
> 4.removeduplicatesCreateCategoryType.xsl
> 5. testdataElements.xml - Test elements for the POLICY TRANSFORMS
> 6. testdataElements1.xml - Test elements for the SCHEMA to validate 
> (note it
> may be an idea to integrate it with the P3P policy schema so you 
> can then
> validate a whole policy and you don't have to pull out the node to 
> validate)
> 7. basedataschema.xml - the original P3P base data schema
> 8. prettyprinter.xsl - just a pretty printer used to format the files

Received on Monday, 18 July 2005 10:05:01 UTC