Re: XML Schema

Thanks Marc for this review. We will fix that.


Am Wednesday 06 July 2005 18:25 verlautbarte Mark Nottingham :
> Appendix 3 ("The P3P 1.0 base data schema Definition") contains an
> XML Schema, and says that the same schema is available at <http://
>>. However, dereferencing that URI yeilds a
> completely different format. Is this a known problem?
> Also, cutting and pasting the schema from the spec and then
> validating it produces a large number (~50) errors, including UPA
> violations.
> Appendix 5 ("") defines the "short-description" attribute twice in
> the STATEMENT-GROUP-DEF element. Also, this schema should be
> available at a distinct URI.
> Cheers,
> --
> Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
> Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Received on Wednesday, 6 July 2005 16:42:51 UTC