Re: AGENDA: 23 June P3P Spec call


can you come up with some example XML code for your assertions?
I think we need more explanatory text if we want to convince people.


Am Tuesday 22 June 2004 11:26 verlautbarte Giles Hogben :
> I think there is a slight misunderstanding of the extent of the
> breaking of backward compatibility.
> It is only broken in a small way, which should not affect anyone.
> This also does not break the backward compatibility guidelines as the
> BDS is not part of the P3P 1.0 Schema anyway.
> 1. Old Base Data Schema data element syntax can still be used
> 2. Extended elements can still be written in the old format.
> The only thing which breaks backward compatibility (with only some
> implementations) is that custom elements written with the new format
> cannot be validated against the old style schema. They can still be
> written in the old syntax, with a new style syntax alongside in an
> extension element to provide validation where possible.

Received on Tuesday, 22 June 2004 05:51:25 UTC