Re: MINUTES: 9 June P3P Spec Call

I had a conversation with Giles. 

The minutes were not absolutely correct with respect to the 
RDF/OWL/OWL-S Question. So I send in some insight I got after I've sent 
out the minutes:

Just talked to Fabien Gourdon:
The OWL-S binding will be very easy and not much effort. So we have to 
compare the Schema from Brian McBride and the one that JRC has 
produced. I asked Giles to send me JRC's RDFS to be able to compare to 
the Note and then take a decision. 

So we need to do both, the RDFS renovation and the OWL-S binding. But I 
would suggest to do that in the separate Note or to add that Note as an 
appendix once it is done. We should care about this once we have time.


Received on Thursday, 10 June 2004 13:08:29 UTC