- From: Giles Hogben <giles.hogben@jrc.it>
- Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 12:04:31 +0200
- To: "'Serge Egelman (by way of Rigo Wenning <rigo@w3.org>)'" <serge@guanotronic.com>, "'public-p3p-spec'" <public-p3p-spec@w3.org>
This is a misunderstanding! We already have a tool to migrate old to new. We need one to migrate new to old so as not to break backward compatibility. >**-----Original Message----- >**From: public-p3p-spec-request@w3.org >**[mailto:public-p3p-spec-request@w3.org] On Behalf Of Serge >**Egelman (by way of Rigo Wenning <rigo@w3.org>) >**Sent: 21 July 2004 10:39 >**To: 'public-p3p-spec' >**Subject: Re: AGENDA: 21 July P3P spec call >** >** >**After looking through Giles' proposal, it seems that this >**boils down to one main problem: the new schema format >**conveys more information than >**the previous one. Using XSD allows us to do a number of important >**things such as assigning elements to data types, ensuring >**that an element's value falls within a prescribed range, as >**well as stating how many times an element may be used. The >**old format essentially enumerates the data types and states >**the categories to which they belong. >** >**Creating a tool to migrate from the old to new format >**involves making assumptions about how to fill in this >**missing information (obviously going the other way isn't an >**issue, since information simply gets discarded). So it >**would seem that creating a tool would be possible, it's just >**a matter of agreeing on some conventions. Of course I could >**be totally wrong, and welcome any input anyone might have. >** >**Thanks, >** >**serge >** >**On Jul 19, 2004, at 3:03 PM, Lorrie Cranor wrote: >**> The next P3P specification group conference call will be >**on Wednesday, >**> July 21, 2004, 11 am - 12 pm US Eastern. Dial-in information is >**> available at >**> http://www.w3.org/P3P/Group/Specification/1.1/meetings.html >**> >**> 1. XML schema stuff >**> We're still looking for feedback from implementers. Serge will be >**> sending more info on the possibility of a translation tool shortly. >**> >**http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-p3p-spec/2004Jun/0017.html >**> >**> 2. Rechartering timeline - the charter for this working >**group expired. >**> Rigo is drafting a new charter >**> >**http://www.w3.org/P3P/Group/Specification/040719-charter.html >** [member >**> only]. The main difference from our old charter is the >**timeline. We >**> expect to be ready for last call in August and then for Candidate >**> Recommendation by November (maybe earlier?). We can't exit >**CR until we >**> have met exit criteria (which means we need >**implementations). What is >**> a realistic schedule for getting P3P 1.1 implementations >**out that we >**> can use to meet our exit criteria? >**> >**> 3. Exit criteria. We need to have a set of criteria for >**when we will >**> know that P3P 1.1 has been sufficiently tested and implemented to >**> become a Proposed Recommendations. I have cut and paste the P3P1.0 >**> exit criteria (from >**http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/CR-P3P-20001215/) to the >**> end of this message. We have plenty of time to work out >**the details, >**> but I would like to start the discussion about what our >**exit criteria >**> are going to look like. Typically, W3C specs have two >**implementations >**> of all features as part of their exit criteria. We also have the >**> option of designating certain features as "at risk" and >**removing them >**> if they are not implemented by the deadline we specify. >**For all the >**> gory details of the W3C process for getting in and out of >**candidate >**> recommendation, see >**> http://www.w3.org/2004/02/Process-20040205/tr.html#cfi >**> >**> 4. Schedule next call (August 11?) >**> >**> >**> >**> --- >**> >**> P3P 1.0 Exit Criteria >**> >**> The Candidate Recommendation review period ends once the >**milestones >**> below are achieved. Input from implementors will be >**accepted at least >**> through 15 March 2001. >**> >**> The milestones are: >**> 1. at least one P3P user agent implementation >**integrated into an >**> HTTP user agent capable of fetching HTML files that >**includes all of >**> the functionality required and recommended by this specification >**> 2. a second P3P user agent implementation of each >**specified >**> function (these functions may be demonstrated across >**several partial >**> P3P implementations or they may be demonstrated in a >**second full P3P >**> implementation) >**> 3. at least one special-purpose tool for >**generating P3P policies >**> and policy reference files >**> 4. at least one tool for converting full P3P >**policies to compact >**> policies >**> 5. at least 10 P3P-enabled production web sites >**> 6. at least one web site that illustrates each of >**the example >**> scenarios in Section 2.5 of the P3P1.0 specification as >**well as at >**> least one web site that uses mini-policies (these may be either >**> production web sites or demonstration sites) >**> >**> Furthermore during the Candidate Recommendation review >**period, the >**> Working Group will: >**> 1. Prepare a W3C Note describing RDF data models >**representing P3P >**> policies and policy reference files. >**> 2. Submit an Internet Draft to the IETF >**describing the P3P header >**> and request that an RFC be issued documenting this header. >**> 3. Prepare a set of test policies and policy >**reference files that >**> user agent implementers can use to demonstrate that their >**> implementations behave correctly. This should include examples of >**> policies that contain syntax errors. >**> 4. Specify the appropriate behavior for user agents upon >**> encountering a policy with invalid syntax. >**> >**> The working group also encourages implementors to explore the >**> possibility of implementations in web proxies and mobile >**devices, as >**> well as implementations that can import user preferences using the >**> [APPEL] language. >**> >**> Please send review comments to www-p3p-public-comments@w3.org >**> (publicly archived). >**> >**> Should this specification prove very difficult or impossible to >**> implement, the Working Group will return the document to >**Working Draft >**> status and make necessary changes. Otherwise, the Working Group >**> anticipates asking the W3C Director to advance this document to >**> Proposed Recommendation. >** >**___ >**/* >**Serge Egelman >** >**"Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible." >**--Frank Zappa */ >**
Received on Wednesday, 21 July 2004 06:04:44 UTC