RE: linked

>**On Feb 16, 2004, at 4:59 AM, Giles Hogben wrote:
>**> Some comments:
>**> 1. I don't think the requirement that it be stored as a particular
>**> database
>**> record is valid. I think that linkability should be described 
>**> independently
>**> of the technical architecture used. This is why I tried to 
>**describe it 
>**> in
>**> terms of the intentions and proportionality.
>**This actually goes to the heart of what I was trying to do... 
>**I wanted 
>**to define "linkable" independently of technical architecture 
>**but define 
>**"linked" more narrowly. So far I haven't come up with an 
>**example of an 
>**architecture in which we would want to say that data is 
>**linked and does 
>**not involve either triggering a database retrieval or 
>**storage. Perhaps 
>**you have an example?

Cookies and files used in forensics are not linked to a database. Server
logs are not really databases?

>**> 2. You do not mention the use of referers to link cookies together.
>**I will add that.
>**> 3. I think the examples given are simpler than those I gave.
>**Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
That is a good thing.


Received on Tuesday, 17 February 2004 08:10:04 UTC