UA: next UA TF call 23 June 11 am

Our next User Agent task force call will be on Monday, 23 June 2003 at 
11 am US Eastern. We will use the usual dial-in number (see


1. Discussion of alternatives to "this site" language

2. Continue discussion of proposed translation ... please continue to 
send your feedback. I have highlighted with red underlined text the 
parts that have been flagged for discussion. If you see something that 
needs discussion that isn't flagged, please let me know.

3. We need to return to the one/multiple entity discussion at some 
point but I would prefer to have some email discussion on it so we 
don't take up a lot of time on the call. We may discuss briefly if time 

4. Schedule next call 

Received on Friday, 20 June 2003 10:17:49 UTC