UA: next UA TF call 12 June, 11 am


I just wanted to briefly introduce myself to the other P3P 1.1 Specification WG
members.  I will be representing American Express on the WG, with particular
interest in the User Agent Behavior and Compact Policies task forces.  As luck
would have it, I'm unavailable for tomorrow's WG call, but I would like to
attend the UA TF call on Thursday.


Jeff Edelen
American Express

---------------------- Forwarded by Jeffrey A Edelen/AMER/TRS/AEXP on
06/10/2003 08:42 PM ---------------------------

From:  "Lorrie Cranor" <> on 06/04/2003 04:00 PM

Sent by:

Subject:    UA: next UA TF call 12 June, 11 am

The next User agent task force call will be on Thursday, June 12 at 11
am US Eastern. We will use our usual dial-in number (see


Discussion of user agent guidelines (and results of full WG discussion
on June 11)

Discussion of proposed translation -- we will focus on any feedback
received by June 10 (PLEASE SEND YOUR FEEDBACK BY JUNE 10!) as well as
the remaining areas of disagreement between Lorrie's proposal and
Jeremy's proposal  --
These areas are:

- the access heading and the various access fields
- the entity heading
- the categories heading
- pseudo-analysis
- pseudo-decision
- individual-analysis
- individual-decision
- computer
- state

American Express made the following
 annotations on 06/10/2003 08:53:53 PM

     "This message and any attachments are solely for the intended recipient and may contain confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, use, or distribution of the information included in this message and any attachments is prohibited.  If you have received this communication in error, please notify us by reply e-mail and immediately and permanently delete this message and any attachments.  Thank you."



Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2003 23:54:44 UTC