UA: Minutes of 29 July UA TF call

Minutes of 29 July 2003 User Agent Task Force Call


We worked through most of the red comments at and reached a consensus 
on most items. Changes were made to the following elements: current, 
develop, pseudo-analysis, individual-analysis, RECIPIENT, ours, 
delivery, same, other-recipient, unrelated, public, RETENTION, 
no-retention, stated-purpose, legal-requirement, business-practices, 
indefinitely, CATEGORIES, computer, interactive, demographic, content, 
political, preference, location. Lorrie has posted a spreadsheet with 
remaining items for discussion. Those who participated should also 
check to make sure all changes are accurately reflected.

Our next call will be tomorrow, 30 July at 11 am Eastern (the spec call 
will be cancelled).

Received on Tuesday, 29 July 2003 15:52:26 UTC