[Minutes] 17 December call

Dave Stampley
Jack Humphrey
Giles Hogben
Rigo Wenning

1/ Christmas holidays and further planning

Rigo told that he will be on holiday until 11 Jan 2004 and that the next
call will logically be on 14 Jan 2004. All others will have shorter
holidays. Everybody should be encouraged to continue discussion the
current issues on the mailing-list.

2/ decision on consent-choices
   is it final? 
	 where to put it?

As Matthias wasn't on the call, there was no way to decide it.

ACTION Rigo to coordinate with Matthias and Lorrie about status of this
and to report back

3/ Continued discussion of agent-relationsships

We first had agreement, that the entity-type attribute in the current 
domainrelationsship proposal should be removed. The scope of
relationsships are currently only ours and agents. 

We had a lengthy discussion about the issue of ad-networks and the way
they work. Actually, P3P does not accommodate their working models well.
We discussed the remarks by Brooks and tried again to understand the
issue. We concluded that this would need to have a Face-to-Face meeting. 

ACTION: Rigo propose dates and location for F2F meeting

4/ cookie linking v3  from Giles

we had no time left to further discuss Giles draft



Received on Wednesday, 17 December 2003 13:52:58 UTC