MINUTES: 27 August P3P spec call

Minutes of the 27 August 2003 P3P specification working group call



1. Task force reports

Patrick reported that the P3P beyond HTTP task force was working on 
trying to figure out what parts of their work should go in P3P 1.1. 
Rigo was concerned that the XML element binding stuff was not in the 
current draft. Rigo and Patrick will talk face-to-face in Sydney. Rigo 
will also try to get Marc L. involved.

2. Discussion of comments on P3P plain English translation -- see
    comments in red at http://www.w3.org/P3P/2003/p3p-translation.htm

We discussed the remaining comments in red and propose the following 
changes. If anyone has any objections please raise them BEFORE next 
week's call and we will discuss further, otherwise these changes will 
be adopted.

Change opturi from "Find out how to opt-out at" to "Find out how to 
opt-in or opt-out at"

Change ACCESS=all from "We give you access to all of our information 
that identifies you" to "We give you access to all of our information 
identified with you"

Change ACCESS=contact-and-other from "We give you access to your 
contact information and some of our other information that identifies 
you" to "We give you access to your contact information and some of our 
other information identified with you"

Add "Customer service" as default wording for DISPUTES=service if site 
does not provide description

Add "Independent organization" as default wording for 
DISPUTES=independent if site does not provide description

Add "Legal complaint" as default wording in DISPUTES=court if site does 
not provide description

Add "Law" as default wording in DISPUTES=law if site does not provide 

Change PURPOSE=current from "For the purpose we indicated when you 
provided the information" to "To provide the service you requested"

Change PURPOSE=individual-analysis from "To do research and analysis 
that uses information which identifies you" to "To do research and 
analysis that uses information about you"

Change PURPOSE=individual-decision from "To make decisions that 
directly affect you, for example to recommend products or services 
based on your previous purchases" to "To make decisions that directly 
affect you using information about you, for example to recommend 
products or services based on your previous purchases"

Note that we also discussed Deirdre's comment that RECIPIENTS=same does 
not make clear that the recipient might use the data for an unrelated 
purpose. However, we decided not to propose any changes to recipients 
as this element does not describe data usage.

We will discuss the remaining comments (those in green) next week.

3 and 4. We could not discuss items 3 and 4 because Jeremy did not 
submit proposals and was not on the call.

5. Our next call will be on Wednesday, September 3. We will discuss 
disputes and remedies issues and Ari's identifiable/identified draft. 
We are still waiting for grouping proposal and documentation of 
performance issues from Jeremy.

Received on Wednesday, 27 August 2003 13:59:37 UTC