Agenda TC 22/04/2009


This is a preliminary version of this week's teleconference:

   1.  Admin
          * Roll call
          * Agenda amendments?
          * PROPOSED: Accept Previous Minutes (15 April)
          * Action items status
                o Pending Review Actions
                      + Action 321 Review NF&R (perhaps after some
editing) / Elisa Kendall
                o Due and overdue Actions
   2. Documents and Reviewing
          * 14 (yes, fourteen!) Working Drafts published 21st April -- Hurrah!
                o 8 Last Call Working Drafts
                      + LC commenters from 1st round will be notified
                      + Other publicity?
                      + LC comment period will end 13th May
                            # We will respond rapidly to LC comments
(as they arrive)
                      + Avoid changes to these documents without
discussion and/or chair approval
                o 6 First Public or Ordinary Working Drafts
                      + Current status? (one of ready for LC, needs
minor work, needs major work)
                      + Schedule for completion?
                            # Target date for reviewing is 7th May
                            # Would like to avoid last minute scramble!
          * Schedule going forward
                o 01 June: CR for current LC docs; LC for remaining
rec-track docs
                      + Checklist for CR exit?
                o 01 Aug: All rec-track documents to PR
                o 01 Oct: All documents to final state (Rec / Note)
   3. Issues
          * Issue 56 needs to be resolved
   4. Implementation and Test Cases
          * Progress on tool support, e.g., for "species validation"?
                o Wiki page for implementations -- please add content
          * Approving "validated" test cases
                o Comments/objections?
          * Schedule for test generation/approval
                o Comprehensive test suite needed for CR (01 June)
          * Correlation/tabulation/publication of test results?
   5. Features "At-Risk" (just a reminder)
          * owl:rational support
          * rdf:XMLLiteral support
   6. Additional other business



Received on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 16:23:33 UTC