Primer ready for internal review

Dear all,

we have updated the Primer on the wiki, and a new draft is now ready for 
internal review:

There are the following minor issues still to be tackled:

* Some syntactic versions of examples are not formatted very well yet. 
Functional Style and RDF/XML should be ready, however. The document uses the 
new syntax switcher script with a global control panel in Section 1.2.

* Section 6: Advanced Use of Datatypes
This Section is currently still missing but will be available by the next 
publication round.

* Section 10: OWL Tools
Writing this part has been deferred to incorporate reference implementations. 
It will also contain a description of tool categories (reasoners, editors, 

* Section 12.1 (part of the appendix): Guide to OWL 2 for OWL 1 users
It was suggested to remove this content from the document (what will become of 
it remains to be discussed). In any case, it is not core to the current draft.

* Section 12.2 (part of appendix): How OWL 2 relates to other technologies
This section is still in a somewhat preliminary shape and will undergo some 

* Section 12.3: The Complete Sample Ontology
The sample ontology has to be adapted to incorporate the introduced new 

Best regards,


P.S. This mail was really written (and already sent last week) by Sebastian 
Rudolph who also has joined OWL-WG recently to support the work on the OWL 
Primer. He will send a proper introduction as soon as he manages to get emails 
through to this list; somehow they vanished so far.

Markus Krötzsch
Institut AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), 76128 Karlsruhe
phone +49 (0)721 608 7362          fax +49 (0)721 608 5998          www

Received on Saturday, 4 April 2009 19:11:36 UTC