Re: relative uri references

On 24 Nov 2008, at 15:44, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:

> My only concern about having the structural specification only allow
> for absolute URIs is that it is common idiom to use relative URIs in
> imports statements.

I've never seen such. Ever, actually. Could you provide some pointers?

I mean, I see how it would work and why one would do that (just like  
relative URIs to imgs). But I've never seen it in OWL. Doesn't seem  
to be a particularly *common* idiom. As tools wouldn't have respected  
them before, by and large, since RDF absolutized, I'd be very  
surprised if people relied on that.

> Doing so allows one to move a hierarchy of
> ontologies from one place to another without having to rewrite all the
> import statements. If the structural specification only has absolute
> URIs and serializes a document that uses relative URIs in this way,
> that will no longer work as the resultant imports will use full URIs.


Well, it does seem possible that an implementation will maintain  
various serialization specific information. Or, in fact, if you are  
going through a tool anyway, you could always reserialize to the new  


Received on Monday, 24 November 2008 16:32:02 UTC