Typo in table 9 of profiles (OWL 2 RL)


As it's getting late in the process, I hesitate to make any changes to  
the document myself. But I found a typo:

'T(?c, rdsf:subClassOf, owl:Thing)' should be 'T(?c, rdfs:subClassOf,  


Drs. Rinke Hoekstra

Email: hoekstra@uva.nl    Skype:  rinkehoekstra
Phone: +31-20-5253499     Fax:   +31-20-5253495
Web:   http://www.leibnizcenter.org/users/rinke

Leibniz Center for Law,          Faculty of Law
University of Amsterdam,            PO Box 1030
1000 BA  Amsterdam,             The Netherlands

Received on Friday, 21 November 2008 13:59:04 UTC