ACTION 237: review for

Below is my review for

This addresses Action 237.


In addition to what Boris and Bernardo already said, I have the following 

* "one might be wish" -> "one might wish"
* "can be used to defined classes" -> "can be used to define classes"
* Section 2?
* Sec 3.1, first set of production rules:
 ** Non-terminal "rational" should be capitalised.
 ** I don't get the purpose of 
     'times' '(' [ rational ] Variable | Variable ')'
    Why not just say:
     'times' '(' [ Rational ] Variable ')'
 ** Similarly with the following:
     'plus' '(' Term { Term } | Term ')' 
    which could be 
     'plus' '(' Term { Term } ')' 
* I don't understand what Sec. 3.3 tries to convey. Maybe make an editors note 
"under construction"?
* What happened to the various types of comparisons in Sec 3.4?
* I agree with Boris regarding the issues with the semantics definition for 
variable comparisons. A unified treatment of the various comparisons would 
probably fix this en route.

Overall, the document would benefit from more verbose explanations to better 
explain the purposes and intuitions of the technical definitions.

Markus Krötzsch
Institut AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), 76128 Karlsruhe
phone +49 (0)721 608 7362          fax +49 (0)721 608 5998          www

Received on Tuesday, 4 November 2008 18:03:29 UTC