Re: OWL DL and OWL Full

Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:

>Do you have anything you can point to so that the situation with respect
>to the startups and Oracle can be analyzed?  Even the information in the
>Oracle white paper
>is extremely sketchy.  About the only thing that they say is that they
>do "efficient and scalable inferencing using major subsets of OWL".

I was on the line for Alan Wu's recent web talk on this for the Ontolog
Forum.  On slide 7 of [1] there is a list of OWL language constructs in
OWLPrime (the subset of OWL that 11G supports).  Alan Wu is now a member
of this working group so I expect more details will be forth coming.

- Evan


Received on Monday, 29 October 2007 21:06:47 UTC