Re: less technical documents

From: Jeremy Carroll <>
Subject: less technical documents
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 18:21:37 +0000

> Several people (maybe: me, Deborah, Vipul, Jim amongst others) appear to 
> want an early publication of something other than the three documents 
> which we agreed to pursue (Syntax, Semantic, and Mapping).
> If we want such a document(s) to appear on a similar timeline to the 
> more technical document (i.e. within the first heartbeat of the WG), 
> then we need to put up or shut up.
> Personally, I am hoping to encourage others, rather than to do the work 
> myself (my fear is that we are all in the same position).
> ===
> One possible course of action would be to migrate
> to WD
> with the following changes:
> a) Change title to
>    Overview and Rationale for OWL 1.1
> b) add section
>     Sketch Use Cases
> and largely leave this unpopulated
> c) change verbiage to be more OWL Full friendly
> d) add a table at the end to show which of the new features is motivated 
> by which of the use cases.


> I would be happier if someone else, more prepared to own this piece of 
> work through to Rec., would step up for it, probably with a totally 
> different proposal for their document.
> Jeremy

How about the following minor edit to the Overview document as the
proposed WD?  An initial cut at rationale was already in the document,
although there are no details.    


Received on Monday, 29 October 2007 19:06:37 UTC