Re: comments on RDF mapping

Boris Motik wrote:
> Hello,
> I would just like to point out that, with or without punning, already in OWL 1.0 you have an ontology O containing the triples
> (1)--(5). Hence, the problem that I described in my previous e-mail is already there and is not specific to OWL 1.1.

Not correct.

In OWL 1.0 DL, the triples (1) - (5) is a syntax error.
Hence, in OWL 1.0, the ontology is OWL Full.
The subPropertyOf triple (5) is well-defined, by the RDF Semantics.
Triples (1), (2), (3) and (4) are all logical consequences of (5) and 
the OWL Full semantics. So there is no problem in OWL 1.0.

All the problems that OWL 1.1 are trying to solve with these five 
triples arise from OWL 1.1


> Regards,
> 	Boris
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [] On Behalf Of Jeremy Carroll
>> Sent: 24 October 2007 17:23
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: comments on RDF mapping
>> Boris
>> [[
>> Imagine that your ontology O contains all the following triples:
>> (1)  <X rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty>
>> (2)  <X rdf:type owl:DataProperty>
>> (3)  <Y rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty>
>> (4)  <Y rdf:type owl:DataProperty>
>> (5)  <X rdfs:subPropertyOf Y>
>> Note that triples (1) and (2), and (3) and (4) are allowed because you
>> can have punning in OWL 1.1; hence, you can use the same name
>> as both object and a data property.
>> If you now try to produce an axiom that corresponds to triple (5), you
>> have a problem: is this axiom representing inclusions between
>> the object property X and the object property Y, or between the data
>> property X and the data property Y?
>> ]]
>> i.e. punning is an unhelpful idea.
>> The OWL Full treatment of a URI used as both a DataProperty and an
>> ObjectProperty is that it represents a single property.
>> This treatment is in OWL 1.0 Full, and extensively deployed (for example
>> in the RDF subset of OWL).
>> Jeremy

Received on Friday, 26 October 2007 15:43:35 UTC