Re: Serialization issues

On Oct 26, 2007, at 11:01 AM, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:

> How far do you want to carry this trend?  Should we define a canonical
> order for the serialization of ontolgoies?

Yep. Lexicographical would be smart. That's what some serializers do  

>   This would certainly have
> some advantages (searching, diffs, source control), but also has some
> drawbacks (inflexibiliy, gratuitous rejection of ontologies).

I was thinking of making it optional, or a condition on output not on  
barring parses. E.g., it would be a canonical serialization.

> How about having the functional-style syntax be very forgiving of  
> order,
> but having a suggested ordering?  Tools should then try to  
> serialize in
> the suggested order (perhaps with an option to not do so) but would
> accept "out-of-order" inputs.

yeah. that was the basic intention.

> So for ontologies, the suggested order could be annotations first (in
> some order), followed by imports, followed by declaration and entity
> annotation then class then object property then data property then
> individual axioms (each in some order).  However, the function-style
> syntax would be something like
> ontology := 'Ontology' '(' ontologyURI
> 	    	       	   { importDeclaration | annotation | axiom }
>  		       ')'

I'm pretty indifferent to exactly how we spec this. One could always  
have a tighter grammar and then relax things.

> By the way, it appears that the UML diagram for ontologies is not  
> quite
> right.  Shouldn't the imports of an ontology be ontology names, not
> ontologies?

 From a specing api point of view, I would think that the former is  


Received on Friday, 26 October 2007 10:16:59 UTC