Re: proposed agenda item and possible resolution for OWLWG teleconference Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Apologies for that -- I was sort of assuming that it would happen as  
part of the (apparently never to be reached) "Relationships" agenda  
item (specifically relationships to RIF), but I will add a specific  
item to next week's agenda.


On 24 Oct 2007, at 20:50, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:

> On 16 October, I completed action03, a review of the RIF BLD document,
> for the WG
> (
> Discussion of this review was not on on the agenda this week.  I am
> requesting that it be added to the agenda for the next teleconference,
> on 31 October 2007, and that there be the possibility of resolving in
> that teleconference the sending of official WG comments on the RIF BLD
> back to the RIF WG.  (Is this message sufficient, or does something  
> else
> need to be done to enable the possibility of a resolution being  
> passed?)
> Peter F. Patel-Schneider
> Bell Labs Research

Received on Thursday, 25 October 2007 16:03:43 UTC