ISSUE-44 (inconsistencies): REPORTED: 5.12 Entailing inconsistencies

ISSUE-44 (inconsistencies): REPORTED: 5.12 Entailing inconsistencies

Raised by: Peter Patel-Schneider
On product: 

5.12 Entailing inconsistencies

The Web is decentralized, allowing any one to say anything. As a result, different viewpoints may be contradictory, or even false information may be provided. In order to prevent agents from combining incompatible data or from taking consistent data and evolving it into an inconsistent state, it is important that inconsistencies can be detected automatically.

OWL could have an explicit property owl:inconsitentWith so that all kinds of inconsistencies could be entailed (at least there could be a whole bunch of testcases).
Name  I5.12-Entailing-inconsistencies
Raised By  Jos De Roo

Received on Thursday, 25 October 2007 08:47:10 UTC