ISSUE-39 (structured datatypes): REPORTED: 4.3 Structured Datatypes

ISSUE-39 (structured datatypes): REPORTED: 4.3 Structured Datatypes

Raised by: Peter Patel-Schneider
On product: 

4.3 Structured Datatypes

See the original discussion of this issue with proposed solution.

In brief, there is a desire to incorporate and reason about structured datatypes (e.g. XML Schema complexTypes) within OWL. Technical issues involved with integration of general XML types, XML Schema datatypes and XQuery formal types are discussed.

The fundamental issue with integration of XML types and XML Schema datatypes into OWL seems to be based on the fact that there do not exist unique URIreferences for each XML Schema type.

XML Schema does however define a type hierarchy, and it is the goal of this proposal to seemlessly integrate the XML Schema type hierarchy into the OWL class hierarchy.

Received on Thursday, 25 October 2007 08:41:01 UTC