ISSUE-37 (axiom closure): REPORTED: Explain term "axiom closure" in non-structural chapter

ISSUE-37 (axiom closure): REPORTED: Explain term "axiom closure" in non-structural chapter

Raised by: Peter Patel-Schneider
On product: 

Reported by, Oct 18 (6 days ago)

In chapter 7, "Nonstructural Restrictions" of the "Functional Syntax" document  

the term "axiom closure" is used without explanation. The term is in fact
defined in chapter 3, "Ontologies", of the same document, but only used
there and in chapter 7.

Suggestion: To avoid confusion, add a reference to chapter 3 after the
first use of the term within chapter 7.

Anecdote: Without knowing the correct definition of this term, I always
thought it was meant to be the "set of all entailable axioms" in an
ontology. This is totally wrong, and such a misunderstanding might be

Received on Thursday, 25 October 2007 08:16:22 UTC