ISSUE-32 (complex annotations): REPORTED: How to accomplish complex annotations

ISSUE-32 (complex annotations): REPORTED: How to accomplish complex annotations

Raised by: Peter Patel-Schneider
On product: 

Reported by kearon.mcnicol, Jun 22, 2007

We have numerous parts to our ontologies that require more complex 
annotations than a simple datatype triple.  How should we achieve this in 
OWL 1.1?

For example, we need more advanced labelling functionality than 
rdfs:label.  e.g. we need to state geographic areas where a label is used 
to refer to a class.

In OWL 1.0 we accomplish this using an annotation 'object' property that 
refers to an individual of our labelUsage class.  In this way we can also 
reason on (and therefore) manage our hundreds of thousands of labelUsage 

Until we know how to accomplish at least this minimum, we are nervous 
about moving from OWL 1.0 to 1.1.

Please advise.
Kearon McNicol
Freshwater Biological Association

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Comment 1 by pfpschneider, Oct 11, 2007

Do you mean that you have annotations whose "value" is an anonymous individual?

You can, if you want, have an annotation in OWL 1.1 whose value is an individual is a
member of labelUsage.  The only difference (I think) is that in OWL you have to name
this individual.

Received on Thursday, 25 October 2007 07:38:51 UTC