Some things to migrate

Here are some pages in the OWLED google code wiki that we might want  
to migrate to the OWLWG wiki, esp. if there are OWLWG members who  
wish to actively maintain them:

My ideal for both of these is to have a one stop place from now until  
eternity that is adequately maintained. I think the example  
ontologies page is a bit different from a general repository (like  
schemaweb or swoogle) in that it should collect illustrative examples  
rather than try to be a comprehensive "find this ontology" resource.  
It'd be nice if both implementation and example pages were fine  
grained enough to target specific drafts/features. A google  
spreadsheet or dabbedb might be a bit easier for dealing with that.

Given that we're already starting from a fairly mature  
implementation, and indeed, use base, it's a good idea to get our  
tracking infrastructure up sooner rather than later.

Following up a bit on Vipul's query from the minutes:

"vipul: Perhaps a table mapping constructs to use cases? I.e., how  
each cosntruct meet the use cases"

I'll point as a nice example, the table in:

(extracted into a web page in:

I think this also shows the limitations of this approach: It's pretty  
example specific. So we might want to have loads of them. Of course,  
if, a la the guide, we had a canonical example, things are a bit easier.

Generally, I prefer to leave it to the general world to produce good  
tutorial/explanation material. There are several groups who might  
take aspects of this on (e.g., SWEO and the Education TF), also  
plenty of individual authors. I think we, qua group, can do a lot to  
support such efforts (e.g., linking, promoting, reviewing, etc.) and  
that that is, generally, a good use of our energy.


Received on Monday, 15 October 2007 13:21:09 UTC