Re: Introductions


In one of my day jobs, I am a lecturer in the School of Computer  
Science at the University of Manchester, UK.  Before that, I was a  
member of  the Mindswap Group at the University of Maryland, College  
Park where I worked on various OWL related things including the  
editor Swoop and the reasoner Pellet.

My other day job involves a company I co-founded before coming to  
Manchester, Clark&Parsia, LLC, to continue development and support of  
things like Pellet and to commercialize other OWL related things. I'm  
CTO. C&P is is also a member of this group.

I feel as if I am entitled to lay claim to the idea of OWLED, so I  
hereby claim it. :) The OWLED workshop series let to the OWL 1.1  
submission and, in part, to this working group. I remain heavily  
involved in OWLED activities both through the steering committee and  
by being the "task force" coordinator. OWLED is part of my commitment  
to user driven (tempered by technical reality) standards evolution.  
Which sounds *far* more pompous than I thought it would. Oh well.

Contact info: If you need something other than my email address,  
email me.

I expect that this group will produce an improved OWL and to  
strengthen the OWL community. I expect this working group to be part  
of an ongoing process rather than a one shot deal that leaves us  
hanging afterwards. I favor small tangible improvements.

I expect to contribute quite a bit on a variety of fronts. I'm pretty  
familiar with the W3C having been involved with several working  
groups (and with standards aiming groups outside the W3C). I am very  
interested in usability and practical implementations of everything  
from reasoners to repositories, so I expect to contribute expertise  
and experience on such fronts. I expect to do some editorial work. I  
intend to continue my liasing and communication with the wider world  
about the work of the group. I post quite a bit about OWL on the C&P  

I also administer the OWLED google code site and associated website,

and except to help with transferring stuff between them.

I also expect to contribute far too much email. But I'll work on that.



Received on Tuesday, 9 October 2007 18:20:54 UTC