MK2022 @ ESWC2022, Workshop on Modular Knowledge - First Call for Papers

*Workshop on Modular Knowledge (1st edition), co-located with ESWC 2022*

*First Call for Papers*
We invite submissions to the 1st Workshop on Modular Knowledge (MK2022),
to be held in conjunction with the Extended Semantic Web Conference
(ESWC) that will take place in Hersonissos (Greece) from May 29 to June
2, 2022.
The Modular Knowledge workshop offers an interdisciplinary venue for
discussing and developing solutions for modularity of knowledge: the
dramatic increase in the amount of open and linked data and the
increasing semantification of such data make clear that knowledge is not
monolithic, static or uniform, and that there is a need of methods and
tools for dealing with heterogeneous and distributed knowledge as a
constellation of modules.
The workshop aims to cover and establish connections between various
approaches (ranging from rich semantic representations, like Knowledge
Graphs and formal ontology, to simpler schemas, like RDF and database
schemas) for representing knowledge, its context, its evolution, and for
making it accessible to automatic reasoning and knowledge management
tasks. We welcome approaches that make use of logic-based, subsymbolic,
or numerical representations.
Modular Knowledge is a full-day workshop consisting of full paper and
short/position paper presentations, a lightning talk session, an
interactive session between pairs of participants randomly selected, and
an open discussion between all participants.

*Important Dates*
Abstract submission deadline (for full or short papers): February 21, 2022
Paper submission deadline: February 28, 2022
Paper notification: March 28, 2022
Camera-ready version: April 11, 2022
Submission deadline for lightning talks: May 8, 2022
Workshop date: May 29 or 30, 2022

We seek contributions on all aspects of modularity in data, information
and knowledge, including:

Theoretical and cognitive aspects of modularity
Languages for capturing modularity
Modularity in knowledge graphs, linked data and ontologies (conceptual
as well as formal)
Modules and modularity at all stages of knowledge engineering, including
during modeling and design, formalization, verification, and use (for
querying, reasoning and other purposes)
Extracting and computing modules from knowledge and data sources
Merging, aligning, integrating, and matching of data and knowledge via
Versioning and evolution of modules and modular knowledge
Reasoning and representing knowledge in context

*Submission requirements*
We invite the submission of original research results and proposed
research directions related to the focus areas of the workshop, in one
of the three categories given below:
Full papers (up to 12 pages including references) with mature work and
established results, including research reports and surveys
Short/position papers (up to 6 pages including references) presenting
proposed research directions, new open issues, ideas and challenges,
positions and opinions on the status of the field
Lightning talk abstracts (up to 500 words) with a position statement, a
challenge, a project, a tool, a team, a paper/poster/demo presented at
the main conference, related to the topics of the workshop
All papers must be formatted using the Springer LNCS style and submitted
non-anonymously in PDF via EasyChair at this link:

Accepted full and short papers will be published in the workshop
proceedings. Accepted lightning talks abstracts will be made available
from the workshop website.
The best papers from each workshop may be included in the supplementary
proceedings of ESWC 2022, which will appear in the Springer LNCS series.
Further information about paper publication will be soon available at
the workshop website.

*Workshop Chairs*
Loris Bozzato (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Valentina Anita Carriero (University of Bologna)
Torsten Hahmann (University of Maine)
Antoine Zimmermann (École des Mines de Saint-Étienne)

Received on Monday, 17 January 2022 13:43:27 UTC