Re: deprecating an axiom

Hi Chris!

In OWL 2, you can generally deprecate axioms by annotating them with 
"owl:deprecated". This is possible, because:

   1) As of OWL 2, you can annotate axioms by adding annotation 
properties to them, as explained in:


   2) The new universal deprecation marker "owl:deprecated" has been 
specified as an annotation property, see:



Am 01.12.2011 19:13, schrieb Chris Mungall:
> The OWL2 syntax allows for deprecated classes and properties, although deprecating an entity doesn't change the semantics.
> Is there a standard way to deprecate an axiom? Would there be a negative consequences in using owl:deprecated, or should this be considered reserved?
> I have one project in mind, where we are providing provenance for each axiom - a unique identifiers and a pubmed URI. When we remove an axiom we want to keep it around so we don't reuse the same ID or accidentally add back an equivalent axiom. I expect that in order to silence the axiom we will have to keep the axiom in a separate ontology that is never imported during reasoning. I don't think there is a way to keep the axiom annotation around without the axiom (perhaps in OWL full, but I'm not interested in going that way). Another option would be to translate the axiom to an annotation assertion but this would be a bit hacky.
> Is there any recommended practice here?

Dipl.-Inform. Michael Schneider
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Received on Thursday, 1 December 2011 19:42:48 UTC