Apologies for multiple postings.
Please forward to interested parties.
*General Artificial Intelligence*
EPIA 2011 will include a thematic track on General Artificial
Intelligence, which is focused on general methodologies and
architectures for intelligent systems but will also accept submissions
on ALL subareas of artificial intelligence not covered by the other
thematic tracks.
Of particular relevance to this track are papers on issues that arise in
the design and construction of complex artificial intelligent agents,
integrating such component technologies as planning and scheduling;
knowledge representation and reasoning; language, dialogue, perception;
goal-driven action; machine learning; constraints, satisfiability and
search; and Web and Knowledge-based Information Systems. This includes,
but is not limited to human-level intelligent agents. All available
paths are welcome, including theoretical and experimental computer
science, cognitive science, neuroscience, and innovative
interdisciplinary methodologies.
*Topics of Interest include, but are not limited to:*
Art and Music
Brain Sciences
Case-by-case Problem-Solving
Cognitive architectures
Coherence of Integrative/Hybrid Systems
Computer-Aided Education
Connecting Sensorimotor and Concept-level Cognition Context
Evaluation and Comparison of GAI Projects
Foundations and Theory
Human-Computer Interaction
Intelligent Database Systems
Intelligent user interfaces
Language Processing based on GAI
Lifelong and Multi-Strategy Learning
Management of Complex Goal Structures
Multimodal communication
Philosophical and Ethical Issues
Real-Time Systems
Security and Privacy
Semantic Web
The Role of Embodiment in GAI
Validation and Verification
Virtual characters
*Important Dates*
10.MAY.2011 . Paper submission.
10.JUN.2011 . Acceptance notification.
01.JUL.2011 . Camera-ready papers.
10-13.OCT.2011 . Conference.
*Formatting Instructions*
Papers must be submitted in PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) and
formatted according to the Springer's LNCS/LNAI guidelines
(http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0.) and must
not exceed 15 pages.
The review process is double-blinded. Therefore, authors must remove
their names from the submitted papers and should take reasonable care
not to indirectly disclose their identity.
Accepted papers must be presented at the conference by one of the
authors and at least one author of each accepted paper must register for
the conference.
The best papers will be published in a volume of Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) by Springer (proceedings indexed by the
Thomson ISI Web of Knowledge). All other accepted papers will be
published in the local proceedings.
*Organising Committee*
* Luis Antunes, Universidade de Lisboa
* H. Sofia Pinto, Instituto Superior Técnico
*Programme Committee*
Amílcar Cardoso (UC, Portugal)
Ana Paiva (IST, Portugal)
Arlindo Oliveira (IST, Portugal)
Carlos Ramos (IPP, Portugal)
Ernesto Costa (UC, Portugal)
Eugénio Oliveira (UP, Portugal)
Gabriel Pereira Lopes (UNL, Portugal)
Gael Dias (UBI, Portugal)
Helder Coelho (UL, Portugal)
José Carlos Maia Neves (UM, Portugal)
José Carlos Príncipe (USF, USA)
Luís Camarinha-Matos (UNL, Portugal
Luís Correia (UL, Portugal)
Luís Rocha (Indiana University, USA)
Luís Seabra Lopes (UA, Portugal)
Manuela Veloso (CMU, USA)
Pavel Brazdil (UP, Portugal)
Pedro Barahona (UNL, Portugal)
Pedro Rangel Henriques (UM, Portugal)
Salvador Abreu (UE, Portugal)
Helena Sofia Pinto Phone + 351 - 21 - 3100388
Instituto Superior Tecnico Emailsofia.pinto@dei.ist.utl.pt
Departamento de Eng. Informatica
Av. Rovisco Pais
1049-001 Lisboa
INESC-ID Emailsofia@inesc-id.pt
Rua Alves Redol, 9
1000-029 Lisboa